- Cigars are categorized based on their size and shape, which jointly are known as vitola. Irregular-shaped cigars, called Figurados are quite a challenge to make; this production difficulty is what makes them to be considered superior in terms of quality. Parejo is the most common shape of a cigar. Parejos have a cylindrical body, with straight sides and an open end. The other end has a round tobacco-leaf ‘cap’ that needs to be cut off before smoking. If a cigar is completely prepared from tobacco produced in only one country, it is referred to as ‘puro’, which in Spanish means ‘pure’, in the cigar industry.
- A thousand tobacco seeds can fit inside a thimble.
- Cigar tobacco is grown in Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines, and the United States.
- Cigars are made of three types of tobacco leaves. The variations of these leaves establish the smoking and flavor characteristics, specifically – binders, fillers and wrappers.
- The tip of a tobacco leaf is sweeter and milder than the middle. This is why the first inch of a cigar is more easy-going than the rest.